About Us

Meet the Owners

We are Mike (Kiwi), Nani (Brazilian) and Georgina (Bit of Both).

After doing the travel and study thing we moved to Nelson in 2012.

Initially we began with the Prince Albert Backpackers and Bar. Then we renovated and opened our sister property (Bridge Backpackers) in 2017 before completing the set and opening The Function Room Cafe and Venue in 2022.

Gigi came along in 2018 and it safe to say we aren’t going anywhere. Nelson is a fantastic spot that provides a huge variety of things to see, do and experience but still manages to maintain the small town closeness and familiarity.

We love it and are sure you will as well.

Meet the (other) Owners

Hi everyone!!! Do you know we love dogs?

We are Caipirinha (Caipi) & Churrasco (Churras). 

Our Mum and Dad own The Prince Albert and we love being able to meet all the interesting people that always seem to come and say hi. 

You’ll see a painting of us in the bar and if you happen to see us running round you can call us over by saying our names like this…

Churras sounds like Shoe-Haas

Caipi sounds like Kai-Pee